Oi! Hello again. I figured I would type up a quick blog post on the apps I have been using to communicate with people back in the States. The wifi in my building is often times absolutely terrible, and when that happens (7pm to 11pm everyday) I yell at my phone (or computer) about how stupid each app is, but really I don't mean it.
The first app that is least problematic and perfect for chatting is WhatsApp. It is a free messaging app that you can get on any device as long as you have phone number to set it up with. I love that it is so easy to use. It can usually send messages when wifi signal is low too, which came in handy when I forgot the receipt to top up my phone and couldn't communicate with anyone unless on wifi. It also has emojis, and since I have an Android, I think this is super fun. To be honest, I will probably continue to use this once I am back in the States since I am usually not without wifi. I just blimmin love WhatsApp.
The next app is Skype, which is very well known. I use this almost everyday actually. I would say about 85% of the time if functions properly. Most of the issues I have are wifi related though...I think.
The last app is Viber. At the beginning of the semester, I actually preferred this over Skype because it was working the best. But now it is my go-to if Skype is not wanting to function properly. This app is also free and is very multi-functioning. You can message, call, and video call with it.
To be honest, all of these apps have saved me at some point during the semester. Along with this I use Facebook chat and direct messaging on Twitter. I have an actual phone plan here that gives me an allowance of data to use each month, so I do use WhatsApp while I am out and about in London. Hopefully this helped someone to find an app that may help with communicating with people abroad. Although, I feel like most people have heard of these before. But anyways, I hope you had a great weekend and have an even better week! I am off to Spain next week, so expect loads of blog posts once I return.