Sunday, March 22, 2015

London update.

Oi. I feel as though I have abandoned this blog. I'm soz. So, here is an update on all things life and London.
I have booked a flight to Majorca for the Easter holiday with my friend Lauren. I am in desperate need of some sun and beach time. I've also booked a hotel for that trip, obviously. Yes, a hoTel. Not a hoStel. Thank goodness. I am not cut out for the whole backpacking thing. Speaking of the beach, I went to Brighton on Friday and had the best time. I absolutely LOVED it there. I can't wait to go back with our whole program in a few weeks. I am contemplating doing a blog post but it would probably end up being just pictures...and that is what Facebook is for. BUT I will probably do one anyways just for fun. 
I have started taking allergy medicine everyday and have (knock on wood, fingers crossed) been well. For almost three weeks. I think this is a record. 
I also found bedding that I really love at Primark that I am going to go back and buy when it is less busy. Seriously though, I went to Primark last night and regretted that decision the second I walked in and was hit with a wall (yes, literally a wall. I am not kidding.) of people. I also need to do some holiday clothes shopping. I am incredibly pale at the moment too. There is sun in London (oh duh, I know), but it prefers not to show itself 90% of the time. I also end up inside a lot. Or the sun is partly covered by clouds. Or the smoggy-haze that hit us this week blocks it all out. It was very strange. I saw a few people wearing medical masks which made me think 'well if I die or get some sort of lung cancer in a couple of years at least I know where I got it'. I went food shopping yesterday BEFORE it was super busy. I was so proud of myself for that. How adult of me. I did nearly get knocked over by an overzealous man running through the cheese aisle with his basket. He didn't even apologize either. Quite rude. 
 I attempted to make my mom's broccoli and pasta tonight. It did not taste nearly as good as when she makes it. I think that is so disappointing. Which reminds me I have some frozen chili still in the freezer. Might have to whip that out this week. That actually did taste ALMOST like how my mom makes it. Score one for me. 
On a completely different note, I really need to get to bed. I have to be up at half six tomorrow to go to school! And by school I meant my internship. Which you would know about if you read my other blog. Hopefully it is sunny tomorrow because everyone here is in a better mood when the sun comes out. Hopefully a Brighton blog post will be up by the end of the week. In the mean time, entertain yourself here on my other blog OR listen to this song that I am loving at the moment. Seriously, I am SURE they will be very famous in a year or two and you will all be thanking me that you jumped on the band wagon early. 
OH I forgot to mention, I am going to the Hoodie Allen concert next week on Monday with Maggie. Expect loads of social media posts about that. 
A. x

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