Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I had too much caffeine and wrote a blog post.

I have been up today since before 7 am. I had a lovely chat with my mum as neither of us were sleeping, and then had a shower. Tried on about seven different outfits. Left one on for about an hour, cleaned out my wardrobe, then tried on about four more outfits. I decided on one, still annoyed that I don't have too much choice for clothes, and pouted all the way to Waitrose to buy bread. I ran (fast walked) into Starbucks to find that neither of my favorite baristas were working. I have only had about five hours sleep, maybe. Because last night when I was laying in bed it occurred to me that I am going to have to leave here in about a month. It sort of hit me the other day that I have been gone for 3 months. Somehow, I have adapted to a completely new place and quite like it here. My mom claims I have some weird accent going on now, which I probably do. 
Yesterday I spent about two hours on the tube total. At rush hour. All by choice, well for an assignment, but I did have a say in the time. It was one of those times where I had to switch tubes three times. Which isn't really that horrible, but the timing was bad. The tube is not a place for people who don't like being close to other people or are claustrophobic. I am neither of those things, but by the end of that tube journey all I wanted to do was be above ground. Because half the problem with the tube is that it is very far underground. Like, go down two or three sets of escalators ( very big noes too) and then you're at the platform. Or in the case of Russell Square, take a lift down. I don't have a problem with this EXCEPT for when I start thinking about how far below ground I am. So, over all, public transportation isn't really something I have a feeling I will miss very much. I am sad that I will probably be a rubbish driver when I get back home having not driven (or even really been in a car) for four months. All that practice I had parallel parking last year has gone to waste. 
I don't really remember what the point of this post was supposed to be anymore, but I had one in mind. I'll just keep typing until I get to that point. 
OH right, last night. I was laying in bed thinking about how cool I'll feel when I tell people that I lived in London for four months. I figure now that I have done this and been so far away from home, everything will be easier! Or, that is what I am hoping for. Seriously though, Drake being 5 hours away seems like a piece of cake now.
It is a month(ish) until I return back to the US. It feels like time has went both fast and slow. If that is makes sense to me. Either way, I'm looking forward to being in the same time zone as my friends and family again. It will be strange to return home though. Life at home keeps going, but I haven't been there. And I haven't even been paying attention to the American news either.
That actually reminds me of a funny story from last week. I was walking to my internship in Belgravia. It was about 8 am and I was heading towards Sloane Square on Brompton Road when about twenty Clydesdale horses come stomping down the street. WITH MEN IN MILITARY UNIFORMS RIDING THEM. My first thought was, "Oh my god. A war started and no one told me". And then my second thought was, "Why is everyone still walking like everything is normal, this is not normal. THERE ARE HORSES. LOTS OF THEM.". Then I questioned if I was sleep walking, which I wasn't. I stood waiting to cross the street as the horses went past me. I wanted to take a picture but was kind of frozen in place. Let me tell you, I have never been more confused and slightly freaked out so early in the morning. BUT it turns out they were headed towards Hyde Park to do a practice run of something important. I didn't find that out until Thursday last week though. It was weird.
 There was literally not point to this post. I am sorry, but if you made it this far, thanks.
At least you got to hear my horse story.

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